Well, well, well; look who's doing another convention?
Yup, once again I shall be at the latest Vancouver Comicon this Sunday, May 15 at the Heritage Hall in Vancouver, British Columbia. The show runs from 11 AM until 5 PM and admission is $4 per person but you can get in for free if you are under 14 or have a new or gently used school appropriate graphic novel to donate. The books donated will go towards Vancouver public schools.
Not only will I be there with all my prints, sketch cards, mini comics and my portfolio to thumb through but I will also be unveiling some new stuff including a brand spanking new comic. I don't want to give away too much but I will say this: it may be short but it's easily one of my most detail oriented pieces to date. You're highly intrigued, no? As always, I'll also be creating some sketch cards on site (hey, you never know if I end up drawing another dead raccoon fetus in a jar. XD). If you drop by my table, don't be afraid give me a shout and say "hi".
For more info on the convention and all the creators and the special guests involved, go to the
main convention website or take a look at that pretty little flyer just below all this text.
Hope to see you there!