Hey everyone! I just want to give a(n embarrassingly) belated thank you to everyone who came to J-Fest! It felt so awesome being back behind the table after such a long time and I had a great time checking out all the amazing cosplayers, taking in all the performers from my table (the artist alley/vendor hall shared the same room with the main events stage so I got to check out the taiko drummers, kabuki dancers and the cosplay contest. Hooray convenience!) and just being in that whole environment. :-D If you missed me at J-Fest, then I've got good news for you... I'll be returning to theVancouver Comicon this weekend! That's right, I'll be back in my old stomping grounds at the Heritage Hall in Vancouver, British Columbia this Sunday (March 23). The con runs from 11:00 am 'til 5:00 pm and admission is $4 per person but kids under 14 get in for free. Of course, you can also get in for free if you donate a new or gently used school-appropriate graphic novel that'll go towards local schools. For more information, check outthe websiteor just scroll down and check out the flyer. As per usual, I'll be there with my prints, bookmarks, buttons, greeting cards, original sketch cards and mini comics (including *gasp* a brand spanking new one if I play my cards right!) whipping up a sketch card or two on site. So come on down, indulge your inner comic geek and have a good ol' time. Hope to see you there! :-D
*gasp!* Could that be the name of a convention in the title of this entry? Why YES IT IS! :-D That's right, folks! I'm going to be stepping back behind the artist alley table forJ-Fest! It's a one day anime and Japanese culture convention taking place March 8 (that's this Saturday) at the Nikkei National Museum and Japanese Cultural Centre in Burnaby, British Columbia from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm. Admission is $15 per person and there's plenty of awesome stuff to go around. Not only do we have your artist alley and vendors but there's panels, gaming rooms, viewing rooms, the maid cafe, the cosplay contest and even a few traditional Japanese musical and dance performances that look super cool! For more information, check out the Facebook event page here. Like I said, I'll be in the artist alley selling my mini comics, buttons, prints, bookmarks, original sketch cards and greeting cards (and yes, my recent pieces "Bloodwork" and "Shibuya Sweethearts" will be in the mix). So come on down and check it out! If you see me, don't be afraid to give me a shout or a wave and flip through my portfolio...despite my potentially vampiric appearance. It's been quite a long time since I last did a convention (that would be Word on the Street all the way back in 2011...damn, that was ages ago) but I'm super pumped for this and can't wait for Saturday! Hope to see you there. :-D
God, I wish I could scrape up a better title for this one. :-P
Oh man, this is like a culmination of all the things I love to draw: bunnies, lolita fashion, medical themes and copious amounts of blood. Hooray! I'd be a horrible liar if I said my new nurse lolita dress wasn't a driving influence behind this piece.
I highly doubt this will be the last time I draw anything containing bunnies, lolita fashion, medical themes and/or copious amounts of blood.