Well, well, well, I've got quite the bundle of updates to fill you guys in on!
First off, after much resistance I've finally succumbed to the Twitter pandemic. Yup, I've decided to branch off to Twitter to further my conquest for world domination, er, I mean, to use as a means of more exposure and updates on my work in ultra-condensed form. For you Twitter inclined folks out there, head on over and follow me at the oh-so consistently titled DramaticMonarch.
Secondly, I have another convention on the horizon! Yes indeedy, I'll be at the next Vancouver Comicon on January 16. More details will be revealed once the date gets closer but you can still have a look at the very pretty and colorful flyer. It's a safe bet that I'll be in full-force worker bee mode over the next few weeks. ;-)
Finally, I'm doing some writing work on a collaborative article so be on the lookout for that very soon.
In case I don't post something before 2010 bites the dust, I just wanna wish you all a Happy New Year. Party safe.