Holy crap! I haven't updated this thing in eons!
I figured now would be the best time to breathe some life back into this page because (gasp!) I have a convention on the horizon!
I will have a table at the Comix and Stories 2010 show on August 29 at the Heritage Hall in Vancouver, British Columbia. It will be my very first time with a table at a convention so come on down, say hi and check out some really talented folks in the world of comics, cartooning and sequential art. For more info, just look at the flyer posted below or click the boldly highlighted hyperlink.

Outside of doing lots of work and preparation for this show, I've also been working on a webcomic of sorts for the last while called "I Be Bitchin'". You can check that out over at my DeviantART page as well as the Blogs section over at That Guy With The Glasses. I've been contemplating about giving the webcomic its own separate blogspot page. What do you guys think?
I'll try and update this page a lot more often.
Catch y'all on the flipside...because I'm so gangsta like that. :-P